FPC专业词汇 中英文对照.doc

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FPC专业词汇 中英文对照

FPC名词中英对照 1. 目的 通过对行业标准的FPC工程名词引用及我司标准的整合,旨在为我司FPC名词的中英用语实现使用上的统一化 2. 适用范围 规范FPC相关工程上出现之不良项目,生产使用之材料、设备、治具以及可靠性试验等中英文名词 3. 定义 无 类别一:FPC不良项目名词 工程类别 不良名称中文 英 文 导线 Visual Inspection of Conductors 导线 Conductors 开路 Open 短路 Short 缺口 Nicks 针孔 Pinholes 额外铜刺 Extraneous Copper Between Conductors 毛刺 Spurs 结瘤 Nodules 蚀刻凹痕 Etched Concave 导线分层 Conductor Delamination 裂纹 Cracks 导线划痕 Scratches on Conductor 凹坑 Dents 变色 Discoloration 基底薄膜 Visual Inspection of Base Film 凹坑 Dents 划痕 Scratches on Base Film 覆盖层和覆盖涂层 Visual Inspection of Coverlay and Covercoat 凹坑 Dents on Coverlay and Covercoat 划痕 Scratches on Coverlay and Covercoat 空洞 Void 偏位 Coverlay Misalign 毛刺 Coverlay Burrs 外来物 Foreign Matters 导电性异物 Conductive Foreign Matters 非电性异物 Non-conductive Foreign Matters 起泡和分层 Blistering and Delamination 覆盖层粘结剂挤出 Squeeze-out of Adhesive of Coverlay 覆盖涂层渗出 Ooze-out of Covercoat 覆盖涂层跳漏 Skipping of Convercoat 电镀金属或焊锡的表面条件 Surface Condition of Plated Mental and Solder 镀金 Gold Plating 镀金层缺陷 Gold Plating Defects 镀锡 Tin Plating 电镀金属或焊料的渗透 Penetration of Plated Metal or Solder 变暗(变黑) Darkened Appearance (Blackening Discoloration) 镀铜孔内镀层空洞 Plating Voids in Plated-though Hole 镀金粗糙 Rough Gold 镀金白雾 Gold Discoloration 镀金变色 Gold Discoloration 镀金层龟裂 Gold Crack 镀金针孔 Gold Pinhole 电镀露铜 Plated Expose Wetting 剥离 Plated Peeled Off 电镀渗入 Plated Wicking 漏镀 No Plating 表面伤痕 Plating Scratch 电镀粗糙 Rough Plated 药水渗入 Wicking 外形和孔边缘 Visual Inspection of Edges of Outline and Holes 撕裂和缺口 Tears and Nicks 毛刺 Burrs 丝状毛刺 Thready Burrs 弯曲、变形 Warpage 微连筋不良 Poor Micro-joint 外形偏移 Outline Misalign 外形漏冲 No Outline 反折偏位 Bending Line Misalign 增强板 Visual Imperfections Related to Stiffener Bonding FPC与增强板之间的外来物 Foreign Matter Between Flexible Printed Board and Stiffener FPC与增强板之间的空洞 Voids Between Flexible Printed Board and Stiffener 裂纹 Cracks 缺角 Chip-off 划痕 Scratches 变形 Deformation 表面附着物 Affixed Substances on the Surface 增强板贴偏移 Stiffener Misalign 热固胶 Thermosetting Adhesive 焊剂残渣 Flux Residues 金属粉末残渣 Residue of Metal Powders 粘结剂残渣 Re


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