
跨越千山万水问候Greetings Across Rivers and Mountains.docVIP

跨越千山万水问候Greetings Across Rivers and Mountains.doc

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跨越千山万水问候Greetings Across Rivers and Mountains

跨越千山万水的问候 Greetings Across Rivers and Mountains ? ?? ???2013年11月25日,国务院总理李克强在中东欧国家媒体发表题为《跨越千山万水的问候——写在第二届中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤即将举行之际》的署名文章。全文如下: Written on the Occasion of the Meeting of Heads of Government of China and Central and Eastern European Countries Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China   中国与中东欧国家虽远隔万里,但我们的心是相通的。20多年前,我曾访问一些中东欧国家,留下了深刻印象。11月26日,中国-中东欧国家领导人会晤和第三届中国-中东欧国家经贸论坛开幕式将在布加勒斯特举行,我将出席这两场会议并访问罗马尼亚,期待与16国领导人就未来一段时期各领域合作共商大计,与各界人士深入交流。在即将启程之际,我谨代表中国人民向中东欧国家人民致以亲切问候。   Though thousands of miles apart, the hearts of the Chinese people and the people of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are linked to each other. My visit to some CEE countries over 20 years ago has left me with a deep impression. The Meeting of Heads of Government of China and CEE Countries and the opening ceremony of the Third Economic and Trade Forum between the two sides will be held on 26 November in Bucharest. I will attend the two meetings and visit Romania. I look forward to discussing with leaders of the 16 countries plans for future cooperation in all fields and having in-depth exchanges with people from various sectors of these countries. Before embarking on my journey, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese people, cordial greetings to the people of CEE countries.   中国与中东欧国家相互尊重、相互支持,结下了深厚的传统友谊。60多年前新中国诞生时,中东欧国家率先承认,开启了彼此友好合作的新篇章。长期以来,无论是遇到自然灾害还是经济困难,我们之间都能及时伸出援手,雪中送炭。这份患难与共的情谊将永远铭刻在中国和中东欧国家人民心中。进入21世纪,中国的改革开放进入新阶段,中东欧国家经济转轨取得积极成效,相互关系在新的历史条件下焕发出新的生机。近年来,我与不少中东欧国家领导人在多个场合经常见面,互致贺电、贺信,建立了良好个人关系。相信我这次访问将加深同16国领导人的相互了解和彼此国家间的合作。   With mutual respect and mutual support, China and CEE countries have forged a deep traditional friendship. When the Peoples Republic of China was founded over 60 years ago, CEE countries were among the first to recognize it, thus starting a new era of friendship and cooperation. Over the years, we have always rendered each other most needed assistance in times of natural disasters and economic difficulties. This


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