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www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Behind a Mask, or, A Womans Power by Louisa May Alcott 1 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Chapter 1 JEAN MUIR Chapter 2 A GOOD BEGINNING Chapter 3 PASSION AND PIQUE Chapter 4 A DISCOVERY Chapter 5 HOW THE GIRL DID IT Chapter 6 ON THE WATCH Chapter 7 THE LAST CHANCE Chapter 8 SUSPENSE Chapter 9 LADY COVENTRY 2 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Chapter 1 JEAN MUIR Has she come? No, Mamma, not yet. I wish it were well over. The thought of it worries and excites me. A cushion for my back, Bella. And poor, peevish Mrs. Coventry sank into an easy chair with a nervous sigh and the air of a martyr, while her pretty daughter hovered about her with affectionate solicitude. Who are they talking of, Lucia? asked the languid young man lounging on a couch near his cousin, who bent over her tapestry work with a happy smile on her usually haughty face. The new governess, Miss Muir. Shall I tell you about her? 3 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 No, thank you. I have an inveterate aversion to the whole tribe. Ive often thanked heaven that I had but one sister, and she a spoiled child, so that I have escaped the infliction of a governess so long. How will you bear it now? asked Lucia. Leave the house while she is i


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