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小学五年级英语下册期中考试题 小学五年级英语下册期中考试题 一、补全单词。 th 那么,就 1 t 让 s t s 有时 g e 给 n t夜晚 f m从…起 pi gr nd操场、运动场 f 达,计 h vy重的 t _直到 f t朋友 h 快乐 二、短语翻译。 trick or treat tidy up lots of tell stories look different good time _ 7.lucky dog both of lovely day eat noddle 三、选择。 ()1. There are many over there. A. sweet B. sweets C. egg ()2.There a clock here before. A. is B. isn t C. wasiV t ()3. - Do you like the park now? -Yes, I . A. do B. did C. don t ()4. There tall trees now. A. were B. are C. is ()5. There wasn? t a in my family. A. child B. children C. boys ()6. Please help put the bags in the car. A. I B. me C. his ()7. Many families go the supermarkets together. A. on B. at C. to ()8. Look the hats and the masks. A. at B. in C. to ()9. It s autumn festival in the UK. A. a B. an C. / ()10. How eggs are there? A. many B. much C. to ()11.Children wear clothes at Halloween. A. beautiful B. big C. scary ()12. How your school? A. at B. many C. about ()13.1’ m going . A. playing football B. to play football C. to playing football ()14. Please to my birthday party. A. come B. to come C. comes ()15. - What’ s that? A. IV s Monday. B. IV s a cat. C. Im eleven. 四、翻译。 ()1. You were in China for two years. A.你在中国待了两年了。B.你在英国待了两年了。 ()2. Then let s feed the ducks. A.然后我们就可以吃饭了。B.那么就让我们喂这些鸭 子吧。 ()3. They are my brothers and me. A.他是我的哥哥。B.他们是我的哥哥和我 ()4. What a big supermarket! A.这个超市真大呀! B.让我们一起去超市吧! ()5. This one is heavy. I can’ t carry it. A.这个太沉了,我搬不动。B.这个很轻,我能够搬动。 ()6.You are helpful children. A.你很喜欢帮助孩子们。B.你们真是乐于助人的孩子。 ()7. Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket. A.有时超市里有餐馆。B.我喜欢餐馆和超市 ()8. It s really fun. A.你很有趣哦。B.它真的相当有趣。 ()9. Do you know why? A.你知道为什么吗? B.你几岁了? ()10.He’ s telling a story. A.他有许多故事。B.他正在讲故事。 五、画出错误的单词,并在横线上改正。 Amy is go to see a film at the weekend. How many chick are there? They is Easter hats. I am going to is eleven. Sometime the eggs are small. 六、 用适当形式填空。 What are you (do) ? I am going to (be) eleven. There (be) lots of flowers on



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