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全国翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)系列教材          《基础口译》  参考答案      仲伟合 王斌华 主编                              外语教学与研究出版社  全国翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)系列教材 第一单元 口译导论 口译主题:迎来送往 二、技能训练 Text 1 Gordon Brown’s Visit to India Gordon Brown has arrived in India for a two-day visit, pledging to forge stronger trade links and cooperate against terrorism. But the fate of Northern Rock continues to dominate his tour. The prime minister denied he’s already struck a deal with Sir Richard Branson. Our political editor Gary Gibbon reports from Delhi. Well, Gordon Brown’s here in India to talk about aid, trade and counter-terrorism. He attended a women’s empowerment event when he arrived here in Delhi. And a short while after that, he had this to say about how he wanted more international cooperation on counter-terrorism. What I would like to see is greater contact between our two countries in winning the battle of hearts and minds, isolating extremist ideologues who are trying to poison young people and the views that they have. Tomorrow Gordon Brown’s gonna be talking about what he calls global governance, changes to institutions like the United Nations. He wants India to have a seat on the Security Council. But he wants a lot else as well. He’s talking about a sort of force, a bit like the Blue Berets, the military forces that the United Nations currently deployed to tro


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