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PAGE II 摘 要 2010年,团购网站以迅猛的速度发展起来并影响着人们的生活,这种以收取服务费的方式,充当商家与消费者之间的媒介的网络团购商业模式得以快速发展,网络团购对于很多消费者已经不陌生,它正在成为一种新的互联网时尚。 本文主要从对团购网站的整体概况入手,以文献归纳分析法和网站数据分析方法相结合,通过对全国排名前三的团购网站的共同点的研究分析和各自特点的分析对比,再介入到整个团购行业竞争结构的分析和成功因素分析,使团购能在目前的“千团大战”中脱颖而出,成为团购行业中的佼佼者。 现阶段网络团购行业内企业面临较大的内外部压力。因而企业要想从激烈的行业内竞争中脱颖而出,需要具备以下核心竞争力:较强的线下商业拓展能力;品牌影响力,用户积累和拓展,以及市场的覆盖面;充足的资金投入和规模实力;市场细分和服务质量的保证。团购网站如果想要在接下来更为激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,就必须从保障用户权益,完善支付方式,覆盖二三线城市网点,团购模式创新,做好网络信用认证和采取多样的推广方式几个方面出发,以团购网站的主要用户群为中心制定一套适合自身团购网站发展的策略,突出属于自己的经营发展特色。 关键词 团购行业 团购网站 竞争 数据 Abstract In 2010, the group buying site developed at a rapid rate and affect peoples lives, and this way to charge a service fee, acts as the intermediary between business and consumer networks group business model to the rapid development, networking group for a lot of consumers are not new, it is becoming a new fashion on the Internet. This main from on Group website of overall Overview start, to literature summarized analysis method and website data analysis method phase combination, by on national ranked Qian three of Group website of have in common of research analysis and their features of analysis comparison, then intervention to entire group industry competition structure of analysis and success factors analysis, missions purchased can in currently of thousand mission war in the stand out from the, became Group industry in the of leader. Current network group-industry enterprises are facing greater internal and external pressures. Business to stand out from the intense competition in the industry, you need to have the following core competence: strong offline business development skills; brand, users accumulate and develop and market coverage; plenty of money into size and strength; market segments and service quality assurance. Key words group buying industry group buying website competition data PAGE IV 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc326855282 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc326855282 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc326855283 Abst


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