常见的胸部检查 Physical Examination of the Chest.ppt

常见的胸部检查 Physical Examination of the Chest.ppt

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常见的胸部检查 Physical Examination of the Chest

Physical Examination of the Chest Department of medicine Liu Yuan Chapter 3 Lungs and Pleura 1. Inspection Respiratory rate and depth Respiratory Rhythm Tidal Breathing Cheyne -Stokes 2. Palpation Thoracic Expansion Vocal Fremitus 影响语音震颤 2个主要因素 1、气管、支气管是否通畅 2、胸壁传导是否良好 影响语音震颤3个次要因素 1、通畅的支气管周围的传导介质的密度 固体>液体>气体 2、发音强、音调低>发音弱、音调高 3、距气管、支气管距离近的区域语颤增强 Pneumonia Pleural Effusion Pneumothorax 3. Percussion Upper Lung Margins Normal 4~6cm Lower Lung Margins The Extent of Diaphragmatic Excursion Abnormal Percussion Sound 4. Auscultation 三种正常呼吸音 Normal Breath Sounds Bronchial Breath Sound 机理 特点 部位 喉部、胸骨上窝、背部第6、7颈椎、 第1-2胸椎 Vesicular Breath Sound Bronchovesicular Breath Sound Abnormal Vesicular Breath Sound 肺泡呼吸音减弱或消失的常见原因 (1)影响肺泡呼吸音传导 (2)胸廓或肺的扩张受限 (3)通气动力不足 (4 )通气阻力增大 Abnormal Bronchial Breath Sound 1、肺组织实变 2、肺内大空洞 3、压迫性肺不张 Abnormal Bronchovesicular Breath Sound 1、肺实变区域较小与正常含气肺 组织混杂 2、肺实变部位较深且被正常肺组 织所覆盖 Rales or Added Sounds 湿性罗音 Moist rales or bubble sound 干性罗音 Dry rales or rhonchi Moist rales 机理 分类 Coarse rales Medium rales Fine rales Crepitus 特点:1、常连续多个出现 2、吸气相明显 3、部位较恒定 性质不易变 Dry Rales or Rhonchi 机理 分类 特点:1、音调较高 2、呼气相明显 3、性质、部位易变 语音共振Vocal Resonance 胸膜摩擦音Pleural Friction Rub 机理 易听诊部位 鉴别诊断 屏气试验 闭口掩鼻试验 Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest Inspection 1. Chest contour, symmetry 2. Breathing rate, rhythm, movement Palpation 1.Tracheal position 2.thoracic expansion 3.vocal fremitus 4.pleural friction fremitus Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest Percussion 1. resonance, hyperresonance, dullness, tympany, stony dullness 2.lung margins Outline for Physical Examination of the Chest Auscultation 1.breath sounds 2.added sounds


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