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Die Cut Process Die-Cutting Process What is Die-Cutting? A process of cutting material in some repeated patterns in either roll or sheet form The cuts can be either partial or complete Die cutting is often combined with other processes such as laminating, printing, and forming The common methods are either using Rotary or Steel Rule Die Steel rule dies are made with a piece of plywood / PVC in which slots are cut with a saw or a laser. Steel blades, called rule in the industry, are cut, bent, and inserted into the board. Male/Female Die-Cutting Very tight Tolerance Can reach ±0.05mm Cut Small Hole ?0.5 High Cost 10-30K USD Rotary Die-Cutting It involves crush cutting material between the blades on a cylindrical die and an anvil which is a smooth hard cylinder A rotary die is made from a solid cylinder of tool steel The machine web width determine how wide the part can be die-cut Different Process for Different Section of New Project Laser cut for Mock up Tooling Leadtime: NA ; Tolerance: +/-0.2mm Flatbed for Soft Tooling and Tn Tooling Leadtime: 2 – 5 Days; Tolerance: +/- 0.1 to +/-0.3mm Rotary Die for Mass Production Tooling Leadtime: 3 weeks; Tolerance: +/-0.15 to +/-0.3 Inspection Rewind * * Steel Rule or Flat Bed Die-Cutting 平刀模切加工 Steel rule die cutting is a crush cut technology in which the material to be cut is placed against a cookie cutter like tool and the two are pressed with several tons of force between two parallel plates until the material is cut. Continue... Flat Bed Machine Rotary die cutting is passing one or more layers of material between rollers to ‘convert’ (change it in some way) it cylindrical die anvil Lamination Continue... Rotary Die-Cutting Machine 3 layers 20 20 20 20 30 50 2 cut, 20 20 40 50 80 100 2 sides 2 cut, take waste 20 30 40 80 100 150 2 cut, take waste 20 30 50 100 150 200 2 layers, 1 cut Process   50X50 30X30 20X20 15X15 10X10 5X5 Size Station: Flatbed Die Cut Die-cutti


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