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Conclusion: 喻体相同、喻义不同,如: pull one’s leg 不等于“拖后腿”,英语中的pull one’s leg 是“开某人玩笑”(to make a fool of sb /to make fun of sb. ) 的意思,而汉语的“拖后腿”意为“成为别人或事物前进的障碍”; 喻义相同、喻体稍有差异,如: a rat in a bowl (瓮中之鳖) kill two birds with one stone (一箭双雕) ; 喻义相同、喻体完全不同,如: cry up wine and sell vinegar (挂羊头,卖狗肉) , fish in the air (水中捞月) 等等。 Next In Western culture, whether cuckoo (布谷鸟) issued by itself or its sound has no specific meaning, it is just a normal bird. While the Chinese believe that hearing the cuckoo calls, dreary feeling arises spontaneously. Legend has it that a man called du Yu(杜宇) Emperor of ancient China, he lost their territory because of the defeat, death was very sad. Since then, his soul on du Yu‘s grave a bird cries until Crow’s blood and died. Therefore, cuckoo, also known as “杜鹃”. silkworm(蚕) , made in China, is famous for it’s silk. The “Silk Road” has long been known, Chinese culture has a long history of silkworm. “Spring silkworm to death, laju as tears began to dry.(春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干)”This poems highly praised the dedication of the silkworm. But silkworm in the eyes of the British, at best is only a small bug。 鹤象征长寿,如“鹤年”、“鹤龄”、“松鹤延年”等。因此祝寿时常用鹤相赠,表达美好的愿望,同时鹤又能让人联想到非凡的品质,远大的志向。但在西方文化中,鹤只是一种普通的鸟,没有什么特别的含义。 鸳鸯东方文化中代表了相爱的人。如,“棒打鸳鸯”, “鸳鸯债”等。西方传说中,就很难找到一个完全类等的动物。 cat (猫) has a lot of meanings in English, such as :rain cats and dogs (大雨倾盆), bell the cat (为别人冒险) , let the cat out of the bag (泄露机密) , a cat in the pan (叛徒) , “she is a perfect cat”(她是个十足的长舌妇), and so on, but evaporated in Chinese. beaver (海狸) is often used to describe people who work hard too seriously in English, but just a kind of ordinary animal in Chinese. 在中国 从“狼烟”一词就会想到“报警的烽火”,想到“战争”; 乌龟被比作外遇者的丈夫,如“王八”、“王八蛋”; “凤凰”(phoenix) 在中国古代传说中是百鸟之王,有“百鸟朝凤”的说法。古时,人们相信凤凰出现可以预示天下太平,所以后世多以龙比喻皇帝,凤凰比喻皇后,帝王成婚称为“龙凤呈祥”。 In English: “a bull” make you associate people who behave rudely, clumsily, always get in trouble ,for example,” behave like a bull in a china shop”; eager beaver(卖力的河狸) metaphor people


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