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Abstract Abstract II II of various parameters on the system hydraulic impact are obtained. The simulation results show that extend the valve opening and closing time, reduce the air content in working medium, increase the length of the line and increase the valve opening amount of the valve port could effectively reduce the hydraulic shock occurring in the system. The simulation results can provide a reasonable theoretical guidance for the system optimization which could reducing the hydraulic impact when system work. (4)The activity crossbeam as the main working parts of the 300MN hydraulic press, its massive and structure complex. It will have a great impact on system produces hydraulic shock and vibration. Firstly, proposed a multi-objective optimization design method which based on the response surface method, the simulation experiments data were obtained by using the central composite design. A second order polynomial response surface model was established which could reflect the performance indicators of the 300MN hydraulic press activity Racrossbeam, and using the evaluation index R2 and 2 R a to evaluate the accuracy of the established response surface model fitting. In the end using the quality and the inherent frequency of the activity crossbeam as the optimization goal, stress as the constraint, Using multi-objective genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization. The results show that based on the well dynamic characteristics, the activity crossbeam also has a lightweight structure Key Words:300MN die hydraulic press; activity crossbeam; response surface method; multi-objective optimization; Water distribution system; 江西理工大学硕士学位论文 江西理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 I I 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract I 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景、研究目的及意义 1 1.1.1 课题背景及研究目的 1 1.1.2 研究意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 高压大流量电液伺服阀研究现状 2 1.2.2 高压大流量液压系统液压冲击研究现状 3 1.2.3 液压机结构优化研究现状 5 1.3 本文研究内容及思路 7 1.3.1 论文研究的主要问题及思路 7 1.3.2 论文研究内容 9 第二章 300MN 液压机水路分配系统分配水阀研究 10 2.1 引言


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