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摘 要 越南在 10 世纪中期以前是中国的一部分。它在独立后与中国保 持密切联系,深受中国文化的影响。古代越南使用汉字,利用儒家思 想来治国理政,采取中国式的科举制选拔官员。古代越南的教育,是 以儒家思想为指导,以科举取士为手段,而建起的从中央到地方的完 整教育体系。 19 世纪中后期,法国把越南作为其远东殖民扩张的重要对象。 经过 30 余年的征服,法国把越南变为殖民地,在越南三圻建立起殖 民统治。法国统治下的越南教育发生了重大变化。 到 19 世纪末,法国殖民政府一方面保留传统儒学教育,继续举 行科举考试,另一方面大力推广越南拼音文字,初步建立现代学校教 育。 从 20 世纪初到太平洋战争爆发前,法国殖民政府进一步发展和 完善越南的现代教育体制。其中,《1917 年公共教育法》对于建立由 初等教育、中等教育和高等教育构成的完整教育体系发挥了重要作 用。 在法国的殖民统治下,越南传统儒学教育衰败,现代教育体制建 立起来,为越南独立运动和建设培养了一批人才。 关键词:法国殖民统治;越南教育;越南教育史 I Abstract Vietnam was a part of China before the middle of Tenth Century.It m aintains close ties with China after independence, and it is deeply influenc ed by Chinese culture. Ancient Vietnamese used Chinese characters, used the Confucian thought to govern their country, and adopted the Chinese i mperial examination system to select officials. The education of ancient V ietnam was based on Confucianism as a guide, with the imperial examinat ion system as a means, building a complete education system from the ce ntral to the local. Since the middle of the 19th century,Vietnam became the object of French colonial invasion.After more than 30 years of conquest,Vietnam became its colony and France established colonial rule here.Great changes have taken place in France under the rule of education in Vietnam. By the end of nineteenth Century, the French colonial government d o not only retained the traditional Confucian education, continued to hold the imperial examination, but also promoted the Vietnamese alphabet, the initial establishment of modern school education vigorously. From the beginning of the twentieth Century to the outbreak of the P acific War,the French colonial government made effort to further develop and improve the modern education system in Vietnam.Among th em a public education law called “ public education law in 1917 ” played an important role in the establishment of a complete education sys tem consisting of primary education, secondary education and higher edu cation. Under the colonial



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