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摘 要 随着教育信息化的发展,在线考试系统作为一种新型的考核手段和考试方式,在实际教学中得到了广泛的应用,并成为当前计算机信息系统研究与应用的热点领域。 本考试系统在综合分析了当前考试系统研究成果的基础上,采用B/S架构形势,利用IE浏览器作为界面设计,使用户可利用浏览器直接访问本平台,完成考试和测评。JSP技术和MYSQL数据库以及其他网络程序设计开发平台为本系统主要开发技术,本论文对在线考试系统的最重要功能,包括用户登录、身份验证、新用户注册、教师学生信息管理、在线考试、管理员登录及管理等模块,以减轻教师的工作负担、提高工作效率和考试质量为设计目标进行了较深入的研究与分析。 关键词: JSP技术;MySql数据库;B/S架构 摘 要 Title: Online Examination System Abstract: With the development of education informationization, online examination system has been widely utilized in our daily teaching work as a new assessment means and examination method. Furthermore, it has also been a hit research and application field of current computer information systems. The online examination system presented in this paper firstly gives an integrated analysis on current examination system research achievements, and then we make use of B/S structure and IE browser as interface design to make sure the users can access the platform directly through the browser to finish the examination and assessment.The main development techniques utilized in this system include JSP technology and MYSQL databases as well as other network programming development platform. This dissertation makes a relatively further analysis on the crucial functions of online examination system, including different modules of user loging, identification, registration, information management, online examination and administrator login management. The design objectives of the online examination system presented in this paper is set as to reduce teacher’s workloads as well as to improve working efficiency and test quality. Keywords: JSP;MySql;B/S PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT37 1 绪 论 本次标准化的制作为团队分工合作完成,我们将项目的开发分部成前台显示业务界面、后台功能管理业务模块以及数据持久化业务模块。在这样的分工下,我主要负责对数据的控制性管理,即持久化业务模块功能。 1.1选题背景及研究意义 随着计算机科学、网络技术的迅猛发展,在教育领域里,实现网上考试可以充分利用学校现有的计算机软、硬件资源和网络资源实现考试;对于客观题由计算机来完成阅卷,可以将减少人工阅卷的工作量。 目前常用的网上考试系统主要有两种基本模式:传统的C/S(客户机/服务器)模式和新型的B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式,所谓C/



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