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精品 PAGE 精品 大 学 生 手 机 消 费 行 为 研 究 摘要 随着中国手机市场的飞速发展,国内外手机制造商之间的竞争日趋加剧。对于这些手机制造商而言,目前面临的一个重要问题就是如何及时满足消费者需求以提高市场占有率,如何树立良好的品牌形象以获取可持续性竞争优势。而同时我国高等教育也正快速发展,2009年在校大学生人数是我国相同年龄段人口数的1/5,人数有2700万左右,而高校的扩招还在继续。到2010年,中国大学生人数将稳步达到3000万。大学生这一特殊消费群体无论是从数量上还是购买力上正受到越来越多的厂商的关注,大学生已经成为手机消费市场上一个不可忽视的重要群体,了解大学生的手机消费行为对于占领大学生手机市场份额有重要的意义。同时,大学生群体在一定程度上代表未来手机消费的主流趋势,把握住大学生的消费行为偏好,也就在一定程度上把握了未来手机的消费趋势,对于各相关企业的战略制定也有一定的指导意义。 本文以消费者行为学理论为基础,以市场调研为方法,对大学生的手机消费行为进行分析,以点窥面,剖析目前大学生手机消费行为的特点,给手机相关企业一个参考,为各企业在营销方案的制定上提供一个依据,提高市场营销活动的效果。 关键词:消费者行为;手机;大学生?MACROBUTTON NoMacro [Click and type abstract text here.] Abstract With the rapid development of cell phone markets in China, the competition among cell phone producers home and abroad becomes intensified day by day. To these cell phone producers, one important problem they are faced with presently is how to satisfy the demands of consumers as to increase the market share and how to foster a good brand image as to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. At the same time, higher education in our country is developing rapidly as well. In 2009, the number of college students on campus is 1/5 of total number of their peers in our country, that is, about 27,000,000. And the college expansion continues. Up to 2010, the number of college students will be steadily added to 30,000,000. Whether from the number or from the purchasing power, college studentsthis special consumer group are gaining concern from more and more producers. College students have become an important group that should not be neglected in the cell phone consumer market, therefore, understanding college students’ cell phone consuming behaviors is significant for dominating the college students’ cell phone market share. Meantime, the group of college students represents the main trend of future cell phones to certain extent. Seizing college students’ preference of consuming behaviors will also grasp the consuming trend of future cell phones to certain degree, which has certain



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