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PAGE 基于.NET的团购网-抱团网的设计与实现 摘 要:2010年,团购网站在国内势不可挡的风靡开来,其运营成本相对较低,又具有明显的优势及发展前景,使得众多商家瞄准了这个机会。本文首先介绍了网络团购的概念及优势,在对现有的几个大型团购网站进行分析比较后,确定了本网站的开发方式及所要开发的基本功能;在此基础上,得出数据库的结构分析;接下来,展示了网站的开发过程,着重分析了网站主要功能实现的关键开发技术,对重点难点给出了详细的实现方法。最后,对本网站的开发工作进行了总结与回顾。 关键词:团购;网站;.Net The Design and Implementation of BaoTuan Website Based On .Net Abstract: In 2010, group-buying websites were overwhelming popular in China. It has relatively low operating costs, and also has obvious advantages and prospects, which made lots of businesses targeting on this opportunity. This paper introduced the concept and advantages of group-buying website. After analyzed and compared some existing large-scale group-buying websites, the way to develop this website and the basic functions of this website is confirmed, and the structure of the database is drew. Then, this paper showed the development process of the website, analyzed the key site development technology to achieve the main functions, presented detailed implementation methods on difficulties. Finally, this paper summarized and reviewed the development work on this website. Key words: group-buying; website; .net 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747340 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc293747340 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747341 1.1 课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc293747341 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747342 1.2 课题意义 PAGEREF _Toc293747342 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747343 1.3 现状分析及发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc293747343 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747344 2 网站分析与设计 PAGEREF _Toc293747344 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747345 2.1 可行性分析 PAGEREF _Toc293747345 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747346 2.2 网站功能分析 PAGEREF _Toc293747346 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747347 2.2.1 用户管理模块主要功能 PAGEREF _Toc293747347 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747348 2.2.2 网站简介模块主要功能 PAGEREF _Toc293747348 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747349 2.2.3 团购信息查看模块主要功能 PAGEREF _Toc293747349 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747350 2.2.4 商品购买模块主要功能 PAGEREF _Toc293747350 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293747351 2.2.5 交流互动模块主要功能 PAGEREF


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