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精品学习资料范文 采购合同,英文 篇一:进口商品采购合同-中英文版 进口商品采购合同 Cross-border Qualified Commodity Purchase Sales Contract 合同号(Contract No): 签订日期: 供应商(Supplier):(hereinafter referred to Party A) (以下简称甲方) 采购商(Buyer):(hereinafter referred to Party B)(以下简称乙方) 甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,经充分协商,就乙方购买甲方商品达成以下买卖合同条款。 On the basis of equality and free will and through full consultation, Party A and Party B have mutually agreed on the following terms of the sales contract for Party B’s purchase of Party A’s commodities. 一、 采购内容及收付款 乙方向甲方采购 品类产品,共 品种, 数量产品;采购清单见附件I. 采购订单 收款信息 付款信息 INVOICE发票等票据以 为抬头提供给乙方。 Bills like invoice will be issued in the name offor Party B. 二、商品质量 质量标准及包装: 原装包装,未经使用过的、全新的,合法销售渠道供应,产品质量符合出口国相关质量标准并检验合格。 Quality standard packaging:original packaging and legal supply of sales channels. The product quality conforms to the relevant quality standards of the exporter and has passed the inspection. 关于商品效期:若商品效期在36个月及以上的,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于30个月;若商品效期在30个月,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于24个月;若商品效期在24个月,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于18个月;若商品效期在18个月及以内的,则实际供应商品的可用效期不低于15个月。特殊商品双方协商约定商品效期说明。 Available period of commodities: if the available period of commodities lasts for 36 months and over it, then the available period of the actual supplied goods shall be not less than 30 months; if the available period of commodities is within 30 months, then the available period of the actual supplied goods shall be not less than 24 months; if the available period of commodities is within 24 months, then the available period of commodities of the actual supplied goods shall be not less than 18 months; and if the available period of commodities lasts for 18 months and is within it, then the available period of the actual supplied goods shall be not less than 15 months. For special commodities, both parties shall reach an agreement on the instructions for the available period of commodities. 甲方承诺所供应的商品是正规渠道合法合规的商品,甲方需对商品来源链路负责,需要有供应渠道的合法授权,并最终对商品的合规合法负责。如果一旦出现被证明提供的是假冒伪劣商品,甲方需


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