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Design activity is one of key points in the products development procedure ,
while conceptual design is most important in design activity. This is because the basic features and mainframe of products are determined in the conceptual design phase ,
and the tasks of follow-up steps are only to substantiate and embody these design concepts. With the severe competition of products in 21st century,tradítional design methods and procedures cannot m巳巳t well the demands of modem products
development ,this trend leads to the combination of modern engineering design with
conceptual design theory and artificial intelligence techniques.
This paper focuses on the transmission function conceptual design of multi-function products. The aim of the present work is to generate and provide various transmission system alternatives of a product by reusing previous design concepts in the existing design cases. In this paper,we describe common methods and
principles of conceptual design and transmission function design,discuss the knowledge modeling and representation ,study the application of casebased
reasoning technique in transmission function conc巳ptual design量 use qualitative
algebra and space conformation matrix to give transmission system a good space description ,and also introduce the establishment of intelligence support conceptual design system.
The paper consists of seven chapters. The first one is the introduction ,which analyzes the history and current situation in design methodology ,conceptual design, intelligence CAD and transmission design,sets forth the m巳aning and aim of present work. The second one introduces the related concepts about transm?ssion system conceptual design and the proper knowledge representation model,expresses design
knowledge and transmission units function by motional function and functional qualities,studies the synthesis procedure of transmission system in conceptual design phase ,presents the sy
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