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哈尔滨工 哈尔滨工业大学硕士学位论文 — — II — Abstract Simulation of remote sensing image has the advantage of low cost, and it meets customers requirements under various conditions. So it has been widely used in military and civil affairs, such as: military reconnaissance, early warning satellite, scene simulation, design of the IR seeker, evaluation of image performance for space remote sensor and practising of the remote sensing task. The physical model on the temperature of the smooth earth’s surface is the computation foundation of the temperature field for the big scene. This physical model is presented in view of the Sun’s movement path, meteorological parameters and solar energy weaken due to the atmosphere. The temperature of the smooth earth’s surface is calculated according to the principle of heat transfer and conservation of energy. The 3D natural earth’s surface model is the object of the remote sensing image. The diamond-square algorithm of the fractal method is employed to build the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Based on these data, the 3D earth’s model is established and then the computation domain is separated into subdomains. After the surface types that segmented the remote sensing image are covered in the topography, the natural earth’s scene is produced. Simulation of the temperature of the earth’s surface scene is a very important part of remote sensing image, especially the infrared thermal imaging ( 3 ? 5μm and 8 ?12μm ). The theoretical model is devised to solve the total incident solar radiation in the complex surface. The effect of solar radiation due to the shadowing effect and adjacent terrain radiation is studied by adopting the Monte Carlo method. To improve the computation efficiency, the correlation length is introduced and the corresponding probability model is presented. The same calculation accuracy is kept in all tests, but the computation efficiency increases 3-30 times. Based on Atmospheric Propagation Software (LOWTRAN7), the temperature fie



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