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摘 摘 要 I I 摘 要 本文针对复杂地质条件下(岩体软弱、节理发育并存在断层等)深部开采岩体移动 变形问题,根据李文秀教授提出的岩体移动分析的模糊测度模型,在已有的研究成果 基础上,对鲁中冶金矿山公司张家洼矿区深部开采岩体移动进行分析。对于模型中所 涉及到的工程参数,采用遗传规划方法进行确定。 由于张家洼矿区地处软岩地层,开采深度为 420~1100m,采区存在多个断层,属于 典型的复杂地质条件下深部开采矿山。利用模糊测度模型(Fuzzy Measures Model-FMM), 对该矿东、西、南、北四个采区开采引起的地表下沉、水平移动、地表倾斜、曲率、水 平变形进行了具体计算分析,理论结果与实测资料吻合良好,说明 FMM 适用于分析复 杂地质条件下深部开采岩体移动问题。同时也表明遗传规划方法可以用来确定地表移动 变形预测所需的计算参数,并且能够满足工程精度要求,符合工程实际,从而形成了一 种新的研究方法——模糊遗传规划法(FMGPM)。 此外,本文还将 FMGPM 计算结果与经典的随机介质理论计算结果进行了对比,结 果表明 FMGPM 所获结果明显优于经典方法。 关键词 模糊测度方法 深部开采 岩体移动变形 随机介质理论 遗传规划 Abst Abstract II II Abstract This paper based on the Fuzzy Measure Model of analysis of the rock mass movement which proposed by professor Wenxiu Li for estimating rock mass displacement and deformation due to deep underground mining under complicated geological conditions(soft rock mass, joints, and there is fault, etc.) On the basis of the existing research results, the deep mining rock mass movement of the ZhangJiaWa mining area of LuZhong metallurgical mine company is analyzed and predicted, in addition, for the model parameters involved in the project, using Genetic Programming method to determine. The ZhangJiaWa mining area is located in the soft rock strata, mining depth is 420 ~ 1100 m, there are multiple faults in the mining area. Through calculating and analyzing subsidence, tilt, curvature, horizontal movement and deformation in the four mining areas by using Fuzzy Measure Model (Fuzzy Measures Model - FMM), the theoretical results are in good agreement with the measured data. It shows that FMM is suitable for the analysis of deep mining rock mass movement problem under complicated geological conditions and the Genetic Programming method can be used to determine the parameters,. It can satisfy the precision requirement in engineering and accord with the engineering practice, thus forming a kind of new research methods- Fuzzy Measures Genetic Programming method (FMGPM). In addition, the results of FMGPM will also be compared with the res



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