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- PAGE - PAGE 4 当代住宅建筑中弹性空间设计的研究 摘 要 弹性空间设计作为一种创新的设计思维模式,它注重对人的关怀,追求空间 的人性化设计。作为四维的空间设计,它对技术层面及设计层面都提出了较高 的要求,就技术层面而言,实现弹性空间设计需要机电控制、水电工程、建筑 工程、电子技术等各方面知识和技术的共同作用,而这些技术的先进程度直接 关系到弹性空间设计的实现。从相反的角度看,弹性空间设计中所蕴涵的高实 用功利价值和科学价值,将开辟出新的、更广阔的科研领域,并为科技的进步 注入更多的动力。就设计层面而言,弹性空间设计要求设计师不仅要具备广博 的知识和熟练的专业技巧,更重要的是具有创新的设计思维。在现有的技术条 件下,要创造完全意义的弹性空间,不仅要耗费巨大的财力和物力,同时还受 到科技水平的限制。因此,现阶段弹性空间设计的运用应侧重于局部空间的弹 性设计,使我们的居住、办公、医疗、教学、娱乐、展览等空间的设计因融入 了人性化的关怀而更趋合理。从可持续发展的角度来看,弹性空间设计具有广 阔的发展前景。在全球资源短缺、人口膨胀、耕地流失的严峻形式下,具有“一 屋多用”功能的弹性空间将具有巨大的开发价值和市场价值。 关键字:弹性空间设计 人性化设计 Research on the Design of Flexible Space in Contemporary Residential Architecture Abstract Flexible space design,as an innovative design thinking mode, which focuses on the care of people, pursuits human-centered design of space. As a four-dimensional space design, at technical level and design level, it put forward higher requirements on the technical level, the realization of flexible space required mechanical and electrical control design, water and electricity engineering, construction, electronics and other areas of knowledge and technology common role, while the sophistication of these technologies is directly related to the implementation of flexible space design. From the opposite angle, flexible space design of high practical implication utilitarian value and scientific value will open a new and broader field of scientific research and inject more dynamic to advances in technology. On the design level, the flexible space design requirements for designers not only have extensive knowledge and proficiency in professional skills, and more importantly, the design of innovative thinking. In the existing technical conditions, the significance of the creation of completely flexible space, which not only consummated enormous financial and material resources, but also restricted by the level of science and technology? Therefore, at present, the use of flexible space design should focus on the local flexibility of space design, which


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