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HIT Graduation Thesis for the MA Degree 哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文
Medium serves as a tool for communication and messages spread. Either traditional media or modern media is inseparable from language, which not only plays an important role in communicating effect of media, but also is one of the essential factors to constitute social cultural environment.
As mass media such as newspaper, television, advertising, and website has been popularized, it involves in and changes people’s life. Mass media functions directly as a way to report the facts as well as propaganda for agitation. With the transformation in politics, economy and cultural lifestyles in modern Russian society, Russian ideology changes as well. What’s more, all these changes can be reflected in language and various media. This study found many variations of language by means of analyzing contemporary Russian media language. Moreover, all these variations should be respected from the point view of linguistics research.
This paper takes dialectic relations between langue linguistics and parole linguistics as theoretical basis, and Russian morphology and syntax as point of penetration, with the aim to attempt to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis on obvious changes reflected in the modern Russian media languages. First, this study made an analysis on the variations between form and relation in contemporary Russian media language, including the variations between the form of nominal case and words, as well as between word form and word combination; on the variations between form and meaning, including word formation elements and the derivation of word formation models, the variation between numbers of Noun and meaning, between Pronoun form and meaning in network language as well as between Adjective composition and meaning; Second, the study, in the context of contemporary Russian media language, aims to probe into the variations
between structure and syntax, between structure of re
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