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第31 卷第8期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol31, No. 8 2 0 10 年 8 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Aug. 2 0 1 0 王晓冬, 颜 芳 ( , 110004) : , , , , , CFD , , , : ; ; ; ; : TP 391 : A : 1005-3026( 2010) 08-1178-04 Aerodynamic Analysis of Horizonta-l Axis Pitch-Variable Wind Turbine WA N G X iao-dong , YA N Fang ( School of Mechanical Engineering Automation, Northeastern Uni ersity, Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: WA NG Xiao-dong, associate professor , E-mail: x dwang @ mail. neu. edu. cn) Abstract: A mathematic model based on free trailing ortex theory and lifting-surface theory was de eloped to describe the ambient airflow by blades and characteristics of w ind turbine so as to in estigate the aerodynamic beha ior of a w ind turbine blade. A numerical solution to the model w as carried out to obtain the relationship betw een tip elocity ratio and pow er coefficient as w ell as that betw een w ind elocity and pow er coefficient by introducing the induced elocity between the blades and ortices. Compared w ith experimental data, it w as found that the theoretical results conform basically w ith the experimental results. Further, compared w ith the CFD (computational fluid dynamics) method, the free trailing ortex method w ould get acceptable computational accuracy at low er cost . T he results are therefore regarded as a ailable to select the w ind turbine position in a w ind field and optimize the design of w ind turbine control system. Key words: wind turbine; pitch- ariable; flow field analysis; free ortices; numerical solution , ,


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