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[摘要]随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,在我国不确定性逐步 增加的房地产市场中,发展个人住房贷款已成为房地产市场健康发展过程 中一个极为重要的催化剂,同时也成为改善居民住房条件和提高居民生活 水平的重要手段。然而个人住房贷款的迅猛发展,也给我国商业银行在信贷 方面带来日益彰显的风险,其对我国房地产市场发展的警示作用不容忽视。 本文首先介绍了我国个人住房贷款业务的发展现状,其次通过工商银行的
数据案例来分析当前个人住房贷款存在的风险隐患和风险存在的原因,从 而提出防范风险的策略与措施,这对我国商业银行的安全性和风险监管具
The Development and Risk prevention of Personal Housing Loan of Commercial Banks
——A Case Study With ICBC
Abstract: With the gradual establishment and improvement of the socialist
market economic system, gradually increasing uncertainty in our real estate market, the development of individual housing loans and healthy development of the real estate market has become an very important process catalyst, it also become an important means to improve the housing conditions of residents and improve living standards. However, mirror has two sides, the rapid development of individual housing loans accordingly to China’s commercial banks increasingly highlight the risks in credit, its warning on China’s real estate market can not be ignored. In this context, this paper analyzes the development of China’s commercial banks personal housing loans, and performed on risk prevention and control of its presentation, among the measures of ICBC in the face of individual housing loan risk taken, for example, for the development of individual housing loans to solve the problems in our country to provide substantive help to promote the real estate industry as well as sustainable and healthy development of national economy pad foot footsteps.
Keywords: Personal Housing Loan; Commercial Banks; Risk Prevention;
近年来,随着我国对个人住房实行商品化政策,房地产行业取得了迅猛发展。在房 地产市场突飞猛进发展的同时,各大商业银行着重加大力度支持个人住房贷款,个人住 房贷款规模在银行资产屮的占比逐年增高,个人住房贷款业务便成为商业银行的利润新 来源,且对房地产金融市场的发展起着至关重要的作用。然而我国楼房价格持续上涨, 房地产泡沫日益严重,而且个人住房贷款结构在各大商业银行中的规模增长速度日益加 快,在高增长的背后也伴随按揭、个人住房贷款不良率的上升,其潜在风险逐渐暴露出 來。因此,个人住房贷款的风险防范引起大众的高度重视。
本文从我国商业银行个人住房贷款的实际现状出发,发现艽风险来源,并据此从 各方面来对风险展开分析,借鉴国外个人住房贷款风险防范的经验,对我国的个人住房