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范文范例 学习指导 PAGE word完美格式整理 摘要 本工程为三层钢框架超市设计,长64.00m,宽30.00m,层高为4.5m,建筑高度为14.4,建筑面积5760.00m2,综合运用所学专业知识,进行了钢结构建筑设计和结构设计。 主体采用钢框架结构,钢筋混凝土现浇楼板。首先确定结构方案并进行荷载统计、梁柱截面选择及刚度验算,计算恒载、活载作用下的框架内力,然后计算风载、地震作用下的框架内力,经内力组合后得出构件的最不利组合内力,最后进行梁、柱截面验算、节点设计、楼板、楼板配筋计算,绘制施工图。计算竖向荷载效应时采用分层法,计算水平荷载效应时采用D值法;在荷载组合时。考虑以可变荷载效应控制的组合和以永久荷载效应控制的组合方式;在活荷载计算过程中,采用满布荷载法;框架节点设计采用栓焊混合的连接方式。 关键词:建筑设计;钢框架;内力分析;节点设计 ABSTRACT Based on the professional knowledge for learned,the building was designed. The works include two parts: architecture design and structure design. This project is commercial building of 3-floors,steel structure,which is located in Xi An. It is 64.00m long, 30.00m wide. The height of story are 4.5m and5m. The height of the whole building is 14.4m.The total area is 5760.00m2. Architecture design tries hard for simple and clear,which has the ages feels and assort with surroundings environment. Steel frame and reinforce concrete floor were used in the structure. Firstly,the size of the beam and column was determined by the type of the structure and the calculation of the loads. Secondly,the inner forces of the frame under the wind load and earthquake load,the dead load,and the living loads were analyzed separately. By the combination of the inner forces,the most dangerous forces can be got,and then the steel beam,steel column,the frame connections and reinforce concrete floor can be designed. After these,the drawing can be made. In the progress of inter force analysis,the vertical forces are calculated by the layer-wise method,and the horizontal forces are calculated by the D method. In the process of the live load calculation,full load is used. Mixed connection with welding and bolts was used in steel frame,and independent foundation under column was adopted. Key Words: architecture design; steel frame; internal force analysis; connection design 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc324967028" 前


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