the 7 habits of highly effective people(成功人士的七个习惯)新.ppt

the 7 habits of highly effective people(成功人士的七个习惯)新.ppt

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the 7 habits of highly effective people(成功人士的七个习惯)新

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 高效能人士的七个习惯 The 7 Habits 七大习惯 Habit 1 习惯一 Be Proactive 积极主动 Habit 2 习惯二 Begin with the End in Mind 以终为始 Habit 3 习惯三 Put First Things First 要事第一 Habit 4 习惯四 Think Win/Win 双赢思维 Habit 5 习惯五 Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解己 Habit 6 习惯六 Synergize 统合综效 Habit 7 习惯七 Sharpen the Saw 不断更新 Habit 习惯 Habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire. 习惯是知识,技能和欲望的混合体. Knowledge is understanding what to do and why to do it. 知识是懂得该做什么和为何要做. Skill is knowing how to do it. 技能是懂得如何做. Habit 习惯 Desire is motivation or wanting to do it. 欲望是想做(动机)或要做. To make habits, we need to develop all 3 components. 要养成习惯,我们需要发展这3方面. Habit 习惯 Paradigm 范例 Paradigm is the way an individual perceives, understands and interprets the surrounding world. A mental map. 范例是一个人对周围世界的感知、理解和解释,是精神地图. If we want significant changes, we must first change our paradigms. 要想达到重大的变化,我们必须先改变范例和突破传统思维. Paradigm 范例 Every significant breakthrough is first a break with tradition, old ways of thinking or old paradigms. 每一个重大的突破始于,旧思想,旧传统,旧范例或旧思维的突破. Habit 1 - Be Proactive 积极主动 Proactive people have 3 characteristics: 积极主动的人有三种个性: Responding according to values. 按价值观做出反应. Accepting responsibility for their own behaviour. 对自己的行为负责任. Focusing on their Circle of Influence. 关注自己的影响范围. Stimulus and Response Habit 1 - Be Proactive 积极主动 Circle of Influence includes those things that an individual can affect directly. 影响范围是指那些我们可以有直接影响的事物. Circle of Concern comprises all matters about which an individual cares. 关注范围是指那些我们关注的事务. Focus on things that you can influence. 把心力投注于自己能有所作为和控制的事情. Circle of Influence (COI) 影响范围 Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind 以终为始 Most effective people shape their own future instead of letting other people or circumstances determine their destiny. 高效能人士不等别人或环境决定他们的命运而是自己去塑造. They mentally plan and then


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