2012秋外研版七上Unit2《whats your number》.ppt

2012秋外研版七上Unit2《whats your number》.ppt

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Module 2 My English lesson Unit 2 What’s your number? Listen and repeat Can you say the numbers? 119 122 110 114 120 121 火警 路障 天气查询 匪警 查询 急救 Do you know the telephonenumbers? Listen and read. What’s your telephone number? Betty: Tony: Daming: Lingling: Listen and point: a.816 275 b.975 148 C,359 412 d.384 926 3 2 4 1 Listen and write What’s your number? Sam:_____________________________ Lisa:_____________________________ Kate:_____________________________ 4. Mike:_____________________________ Listen and chant One ,two ,three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive. Six,seven,eight, nine,ten. Then I let it go again. [ten] [nain] [eit] [sev?n] [siks] [faiv] [f?:] [θri:] [tu:] [w?n] [zi?r?u] [?u] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero [n?mb?] Can you spell numbers? You are great! 用英语完成下列算式 “+” and “-” minus 1+3 = 4 ____ and _____ is ______. 3+6= 9 _____ and _____ is _______. 8-4 = 4 _____ minus _____ is ______. 10-3 = 7 ______ minus _____ is ______. 写出下列数字的左邻右舍 _____ three _____ _____ eight ______ _____five ______ ______nine _____ _____ two ______ ______ six _______ one three four seven nine three six nine eight four four ten three seven two four four six one three eight ten five seven Ask some of your friends’s telephone numbers and QQnumbers,and write them down in English. Names What’s your tele-phone number? What’s your QQnumber? Homework 1、抄写生词, 一个4遍。注意认真书写。 2、作业本2. 3、听读Unit1和Unit2


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