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西华大学毕业设计说明书 PAGE II 摘 要 本文介绍了一种可商品化的临床电子体温采集和监测系统。并给出了软件的设计过程,以及当前该类产品的研究方向和发展趋势。该系统以TI公司的AT89C2051单片机为控制核心。利用热敏电阻PT100为温度传感器进行体温的采集,采用LCD1602对处理后的体温数据进行显示,通过红外线技术将临床数据传输至上位机,再由各上位机把数据传送到主机进行统一管理。使医院能够及时的了解各床位病人的体温情况,节省了体温测量过程中的人力劳动。由于要将温度计商品化,制造成本要求控制在十元人民币以内,所以设计时尽可能的减少了硬件的使用,主要通过算法完成了各项指标要求,体温采集部分,通过对电容的充放电来测出热敏电阻PT100的阻值,再通过查表的方式测得人体体温,这样便节省了A/D转换模块,而红外传输部分,则是通过软件解码将数据发送出去,省略了硬件解码模块。系统的软件设计应用KEIL软件C语言进行,并采用模块化结构编程。 该系统结构简单,制造及运行费用低,功耗低,可靠性高,安全环保,基本能满足既定目标。 关键词:体温采集; 单片机; 商品化; 红外传输 Abstract This paper introduces a kind of commercial clinical electronic temperature’s acquisition and monitoring system. This article gives the software and hardware design of process, and the current products in this direction of research and development trend. This system puts TI company AT89C2051 microcomputer as the core to control. Using thermistors PT100 as temperature sensors to collect the temperature, LCD1602 to show the processed temperature and transporting clinical data to network equipment by infrared technology, again by each PC transfering data to host for unity management. Make the hospital can timely understand each patient's temperature, save the human labor of temperature measurement. The manufacture cost requirements in ten yuan as possible, because we need to make the thermograph commercialization. so we reduced hardware, mainly through algorithm met all kinds of index requirements.At temperature gathering part,we use the capacitance charge-discharge to detect PT100’s resistance, and by looking table measured human body’s temperature, so we saved A/D conversion module. And at the infrared transmission part, we use software decoding to send data out, omitted hardware decoding module. System software design applicate KEIL software C language, and adopts modular structure’s programming. This system structure is simple, manufacture and low cost. It’s also low power consumption, high reliability, safety and environment protection



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