
Comparative Study on English and Chinese Basic Color Words英语专业毕业论文.docx

Comparative Study on English and Chinese Basic Color Words英语专业毕业论文.docx

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word文档 可编辑 ABSTRACT Color word is not only the color of objects, but also contains a lot of culture. It loads rich meanings of culture, which other types of words cannot match. In real life, people often use these words to express their preferences for color, choices, their thoughts and feelings. Meanwhile, it indicates the values of the community. With the rapid development of China, there are more and more cross-cultural communications between China and the western countries. Basic color words are the ones that often cause people’s misunderstandings owing to the diversities of different connotations. So, it’s very important to make a contrastive study on the cultural connotations of basic color words in both English and Chinese. This paper compares the color words in English and Chinese from different angles. Firstly, this paper will have a brief review of previous studies on color words, and then the discussion on the cultural connotations as well as their differences and similarities of this kind of word will be carried out. Besides, the causes of the similarities and dissimilarities will be probed. In the end, this paper puts forward some implication. With the aid from the above attempt, this paper aims at reducing the cultural barriers and shock and helping readers to have a deep understanding on the usage and translation of color words. As a result, the goal of successful communication can be achieved and people around the world can be closer. KEY WORDS Basic color words; Chinese; English; Comparison 摘要 颜色词不仅仅简单表示物体的颜色,它还包含着丰富的文化内涵,颜色所负载的文化内涵相当丰富,是其它各类词汇难以比拟的。在现实生活中,人们不仅用颜色表达对色彩的偏好,选择,想法和感受。颜色词也蕴含了一个集体的价值观。随着中国日益发展昌盛,和西方国家的跨文化交际也日益频繁,基本颜色词因具诸多的文化内涵常会在跨文化交际中常引起误读。因此英汉颜色词的对比研究具有重要的意义。 本文从不同角度,对汉颜色词进行了比较。首先是文献回顾,介绍了英汉语种的基本颜色词汇、国内外对颜色词汇的概念及国内外的相关研究成果。接着根据基本颜色词理论列出基本颜色词,继而详细描述了其文化内涵并对比其异同。此外还探究了基本颜色词文化内涵异同的原因。最后论述了中英基本颜色词对比的启示。 在以上研究的帮助下,本文旨在减少文化障碍和文化威慑,帮助读者加深对彼此的理解,从而实现成功交际的目标。世界各地的人们会联系的更加紧密。 关键词 基本颜色词;汉语;英语;比较 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the point of finishing t



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