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Task one Bar chart 柱状图主体段写法 将图表中相似的趋势分别捏合成一段描述。 第一句:比较图表中相对比的两个部分的所有比例得出一个总体结论。 第二句以后:详细解释这一总体趋势。 language for comparisons Percentage of girl and boy students in Class A more than/ fewer than 1. There are more boys (67%) than girls (33%) in Class A. 2. Class A has fewer gilrs than boys. 3. Boys take up more percentage than girls in Class A. make up; account for; occupy... number/ percentage The number of boys is larger/ greater/ higher than that of girls in Class A. The percentage of boys(67%) is larger/ greater/ higher than that of girls(33%) in Class A. The percentage of boys is larger/ greater/ higher than that of girls in Class A (67% and 33% respectively). outnumber/ exceed/ surpass/ excel Boys outnumber girls in Class A. The number of boys exceeds that of girls in Class A. There are almost/ nealy/ roughly twice as many boys as girls in Class A. The chart below shows information about Heart Attacks by Age and Gender in USA. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph shows how age and gender influence the frequency of heart attacks in the US. Less than 6% of all heart attacks occur in the 29-44 age group. The number of women who suffer heart attacks in this group is negligible - only 3000 per year, compared to 123,000 men. However the proportion of men and women with heart attacks rises dramatically between 45 and 64, with over half a million per year. Over 420,000 men a year in this age group have heart attacks. The incidence amongst women increases - women have one heart attack for every three men in this age group. Over the age of 65, the number of men suffering heart attacks only increases slightly. However there is a huge increase in the number of women with heart attacks - they comprise over 40% of all victims. In conclusion, men are more likely to be the victims of heart attacks at al


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