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收入证明翻译(精选多篇) 第 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 9 页 收入证明翻译 在申请信用卡或者办理其他银行业务、购房按揭银行贷款、申请银行或某些分期付款、申请出国签证的时候,收入证明都是必不可少的证明材料。收入证明虽然简单,但是细节问题不容忽视。比如说:收入证明要注意必须的格式,收入证明复印是无效的,盖的章必须是单位的财务章或是单位的公章,而且必须是圆章等许多问题。 北京佳音特是一家专业的收入证明翻译公司,已经有15年的收入证明翻译历史了。公司对收入证明翻译非常了解,可以帮您翻译收入证明的同时,纠正收入证明上的错误。公司通过整理和总结多年的翻译事例,利用统计学研究出一套高效、(更多文章请关注)高质的翻译流程,为客户节约了大量的宝贵时间和精力。 我们可以提供英语收入证明翻译、日语收入证明翻译、法语收入证明翻译、西语收入证明翻译、俄语收入证明翻译等70多种语言的翻译服务,保证了语种的广泛性,满足客户所有的翻译服务。佳音特翻译公司致力于务实合作,我们期待为您服务。 第二篇:收入证明翻译 8 employment and ine certificate this is to certify that**** works in our pany which was founded in*** and holds the position of vise general manager, responsible for the financial affairs and administration. the pany has 50 staffs and mainly engages in the selling and retailing of textile fabric and supplies fabric to domestic and international garment brands. the pany covers an area of 1000 square meter and the annual turnover reaches ** million rmb. miss ****ine is linked to the pany’s operating ine. her basic monthly salary is **** and plus bonus/mission. miss***** annual ine for recent 2 years is summaries as follows: (the following are pre tax ine, personal ine tax withholding by pany) total ine of *****yuan; total ine of ****** yuan; this is to certify! certifier: *****(department of h.r.)tel: ***** seal of ****** dec.12, XX 第三篇:收入证明翻译 收入证明 兹证明,男/女,生于年月日,自年至今在公司担任一职,月收入约为元人民币,年终奖约为人民币元,年收入约为元人民币(个人所得税已由公司统一缴纳)。 特此证明! 联系电话: 地址: ,手机) 单位负责人:公司名字:XX年月日(负责人的座机 certificate , XX dear sir or madam: this is to certify that (born on ) has worked in 单位名称 assince . his/her monthly salary is about rmb yuan, and his/her annual ine is about rmb yuan (the ine tax has already been paid by the pany). it is hereby to certify. 单位负责人签章 单位名称 contact number: address: 第四篇:英文工作及收入证明翻译 certificate of work this is to certify that from 20xx march to 20xx oct,worked inco., ltd. (pany name) served asandco., ltd mainly business engaged in technology development and technology tran


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