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生物質能(Biomass energy) 生質能(Bio-energy) 生質燃料(Biofuels) 生物沼氣(Biogas) 生 (物)質能的定義 生質能的廣泛定義即指所有有機物,經各式自然或人為化學反應後,再焠取其能量應用。 例如由農村及都市地區產生的各種廢棄物,如牲畜糞便、農作物殘渣、城市垃圾、及工業廢水等,皆可經由直接燃燒應用,或由微生物的厭氧消化反應而產生沼氣後再行應用。 Biomass residues can be converted into various non-solid fuel forms referred as biogas and liquid biofuels. What is Biogas? Biogas is a mixture of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and depending on the feedstock used, trace gases such as nitrogen (N2), ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and hydrogen (H2). Biogas is produced when certain bacteria decompose biological matter in an anaerobic (no oxygen is present, 厭氧) environment. This process is referred to as anaerobic digestion (AD). AD is a proven technology for effectively treating the organic fraction of waste. The treatment of waste through AD has many benefits; it leads not only to a cleaner and healthier environment, but also produces a renewable energy source, methane. A Feasibility Study on Anaerobic Digestion Technology for Humboldt County Dairy Farms In the spring of 2002 SERC began a yearlong biogas study funded by the State of California Community Development Block Grant # 01-EDBG-782. The purpose of the study was to consider the feasibility of implementing anaerobic digestion (AD) technology as a means of dairy manure (肥料、糞肥) management on Humboldt County dairy farms. Dairy cows at pasture on a Humboldt County dairy farm Executive Summary Current trends in milk production have forced dairies to intensify their operations. The larger herd numbers required by todays dairy operators in order to stay in business have led directly to an increase in manure production. The volume of manure has become a social and environmental issue. Dairies also consume significant amounts of energy in their daily operation. Anaerobic digestion of manure is a promising technology that has been shown to effectively address many of the problems associated with manure management while providing a r


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