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研究生优秀毕业论文 陈列馆空间应当说是十分必要和迫切的,论文不仅是对此类陈列馆空 陈列馆空间应当说是十分必要和迫切的,论文不仅是对此类陈列馆空 间设计理论层面上的丰富,同时对于其所研究的具体实践设计也有一 定的指导意义。 关键词:检察文化陈列馆营造与传达设计实践 万方数据 ABSTRACTAlong ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of China’S economy, Fol lowed by a more perfect political system of our country, Culture has become the important work of the various industry sectors at present.People’S Procuratorate of our country also produce rapid changes step by step.Participating in the construction Attorney culture,providing a platform for mutual communication and exchange between the government and the people,the people’S procuratorate theme culture museum is such a new thing which integrates cultural development and communication functions,and to build up around.However,due to the museum of cultural themes attorney is not a long time,and has a certain uniqueness,and therefore there is no systematic theoretical guidance.Focus of this study is to try to analyse attorney culture and professional art gallery design by theory,combined with case studies of the Changsha Municipal People’S Procuratorate museum design practices and the Hubei Provincial People’S Procuratorate gal lery to explore the design principles and construction gist of people’S procuratorate system theme gal 1ery display space design systematically.I hope this study is helpful to future research III 万方数据 on on cultural themes attorney gal lery space design. Specifically the paper is divided into four parts:The first part of the study describes the background and significance of the system throughout the paper.The second part does theoret i cal groundwork for the content to be studi ed through the introduction of develop review of the People’S Procratorate show cultural museum of art and design.The third part describes the components and theoretical points of Attorney cultural theme gallery space design art,and proposed design issues that need attention from these points,this part is all important one of theoretical study in th


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