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Steve M。Queen is an important artist in the world,he bridging the gap between art and cinema,and he iS the only person whose work has been honored by both in contemporary art and film festival.1 would put most of Steve’S artworks into domain of real ism,but thiS condition was not muting his images’poetic texture.So,hiS artworks always expressing hiS special aesthetic style,back of thiS style,there iS sharp attitude
from the author.In his exhibition,he always trying to make out special
space,which resulting a special fiimiC and acoustic feeling for hiS audiences,and in most cases,this feel ing iS not comfortabie.
As an artist,the black skin brings Steve into special identity, it affecting his direction of art working.His art languages always concern with force,racialism,body,space and time,he USing these languages point to humanity and moral i straightly.However, although Steve’S work does not offer any direct ethical judgements,it
becomes the viewer’S responsibility to ‘listen to what the artist’S
visual and aural chord changes signify.After walking out of the exhibition,the audiences always fall into thinking,thinking the world we are living,the politiC propaganda from popular media.Then,the thinking transfer to re—thinking,thi S energy from Steve’S artworks becomes of hi sharp express.
ThiS artiele iS going to introduce Steve’S artworks using panoramic way,summarizing hiS art languages’style and his internal artistiC
Keywords: Contemporary art: Fi im:Transcul tural: Space:Time: Body.
史蒂夫·麦奎因因导演制作的《为奴十二年》(12 Years S_.7ave)在2014 年荣获第86届奥斯卡最佳影片而为大众所认知,而在此之前,他利用大量时间从 事当代艺术影像创作,并于1999年获得英国特纳奖(Turner Prize)1。
史蒂夫自1993年开始艺术创作,作品大多被归类为影像艺术,其早期创作多 是黑白默片,并利用自身作为角色参与影像表演,随后他的创作迹象表明他开始 创作彩色和带声音的影像作品,时长比以往增加,并开始注重叙事层面的安排2。 2008年他制作完成了个人导演的第一部剧情电影《饥饿》(Kunger),并因此片 获得第61届戛纳电影节金摄影机奖,2010年导演的《羞耻》(Shame)参加第68届 威尼斯电影节,由此他开始了影像艺术和剧情电影并行创作的状态。
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