London By William Blake 作品赏析课件.pptVIP

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London By William Blake 作品赏析课件

William Blake 布莱克 Life and Literary Career (1757-1827) Engraver, painter, printer and poet At age 4, had a vision of God, later saw a tree full of angels Went to a drawing school at 10, thus began his career as an artist Started writing poetry in his teens (12) A man of sharp perception, original thinking, exceptional boldness, contempt for reason, deep concern with the Revolution Works Blake’s poetry largely divided in to 2 groups: lyrical poems: “Poetical Sketches” (poetry of ages 12-20), “Songs of Innocence”, “Songs of Experience” prophetic poems: “Visions of the Daughters of Albion”, “America”, “The French Revolution” ,“Jerusalem”, “The Book of Los”, “The Book of Urizen”, “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” Songs of Innocence (1789)《天真之歌》 Purpose : “And I made a rural pen, / And I stained the water clear, / And I wrote my happy songs, / Every child may joy to hear. ” (“ Introduction”) Designed to publish for children, in simple language a child can understand, depicting a child’s delight in the harmony of nature and people (with illustrations of his own) Strange, simple beauty both in themes and in language and in verse form and rhythm Some songs from “Innocence”: “ The Echoing Green”, “The Lamb”, “The Little Black Boy”, “The Little Boy Lost”, “The Little Boy Found”, “Nurse’s Song”, “The Chimney Sweeper” ,“Infant Joy” --- description of the happy condition of a child before he knows the pains of existence, optimistic, hopeful, open and resilient in face of wrongs Songs of Experience (1794) 《经验之歌》 Presenting a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy, sometimes bitter tone Experience bringing a fuller sense of evil, joy replaced by bitterness A mixture of the simple and the childlike with the serious and the thoughtful in voice Some songs from “Experience” “London”, “The Chimney Sweeper”, “A Little Boy Lost”, “A Little Girl Lost”, “Infant Sorrow”, “A Poison Tree”, “The Sick Rose”, “Nurse’s Song” Change of voice into bitter



