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第*章 具体章节标题 本科学生毕业论文 论文题目:基于单片机的数字气压计 学 院:理学院 年 级:大四 专 业:电子信息科学与技术 姓 名: 学 号:1011121109 指导教师: 2014年 4 月 25日 摘 要 在工业生产中,气压是很常见重要的生产参数,随着科技的发展,以及对产品品质更加苛刻的要求,在生产过程中,对于这些生产参数的要求越来越严格,因此各种高精密的仪器被发明出来为产品的生产来服务。为获得工业炉中实时的气压数据,高精度的气压计是不可或缺的。本课题是要设计一个利用微控制和数字化气压传感器为核心元件组成的电子气压计系统。通过气压传感器获得与大气压相对应的模拟电压值 ,并经过 A/D变换输入到单片机进行处理 ,从而实时显示相应的气压值。这种微控制和数字化气压传感器的结合可以使得气压计的设计更具灵活性,测量精度相对于液体气压计也有了显著提高。测量结果的显示也更直观,并可灵活的加入超压、低压报警等特殊功能,以满足某些特定需要。本设计以C语言为开发工具,进行了相关的设计与编程,总体实现了系统功能的可靠性、稳定性、经济性。(小四号宋体、1.5倍行距、100-200字) 关键字:气压计;气压传感器 ;单片机。 Abstract In industrial production, with the development of technology,temperature, pressure, and current production parameters are very common production parameters , as well as the demanding requirements for product quality, in the production process, production parameters for these increasingly stringent requirements, so the kinds of high precision instruments have been invented to serve for production. to obtain the pressure data, high-precision pressure gauge is indispensable.This topic is to design a using micro control and digital pressure sensor as the core component of electronic pressure gauge system.And corresponding simulated atmospheric pressure were obtained through the pressure sensor voltage value, and after A/D transform input to the single chip microcomputer for processing, and real-time display air pressure value of the corresponding.The combination of micro control and digital pressure sensor more flexibility enables the design of the barometer, measuring accuracy relative to the liquid pressure gauge also had improved significantly.Measurement results show more intuitive, and can be flexible to join the overpressure and low pressure alarm and so on special function, to meet specific needs.On the system software design, development tools is C programming language, The objective is to achieve system reliability, stability, security and economy. Key words:Pressure sensor; Barom



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