自考 英语(一) 笔记 9.doc

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Text A learned words and popular words 本课主要单词 1. learned adj. 有学问的,博学的;学术上的 这个单词做形容词用时有两种读音,一是 ,另一个是 或 .读 时,意思是“有学问的,博学的;学术上的”;读 或 时,意思是“经过训练学到的”。 a learned man (学者)a learned discussion (学术讨论) a learned doctor (医道高明的医生)a learned journal (学术刊物) a learned response 后天的反应(指非天生的) He was learned in the ways of the words. (他深通人情世故。) 2. cultivated adj. 耕种的;栽培的;有修养的 cultivate v. 耕种;种植;培养;陶冶;建立;教化 cultivation n 耕种;栽培;培养;修养。 1)The farmer was busy cultivating the land when I found him. (我找到那位农民时,他正忙着耕地。) 2)His father cultivated a farm of 80 acres. (他父亲耕种一个80英亩地的农场。) 3)Extensive reading can cultivate your mind. (广泛阅读能陶冶你的心性。) 4)He tried hard to cultivate good relations with his colleagues. (他努力与同事们建立良好关系。) 5)He is a very cultivated young man. (他是一个非常有教养的年轻人。) 6)Her cultivated voice was pleasing to the audience. (她文雅的说话嗓音很悦耳。) 7)He just can‘t understand why they allowed the land to go out of cultivation.(他就是不理解他们为什么任土地荒芜。) 8)The cultivation of good manners will be very helpful to his future.(礼貌习惯的养成对他的未来将有很大的帮助。) 9)He is a man of charm and cultivation. (他既有魅力又有教养。) 3.concern n. 关心;关系;关联 v.涉及,有关于;使关心,使挂念 1) This matter is no concern of yours. (这件事跟你毫无关系。) 2) I don‘t think it is my concern, go and ask the manager, please. (这事跟我没关系,请去问经理。) 3) We felt concern for (或over) your health. (我们为你的健康担心。) 4) He is said to have been concerned in the crime. (据说他与这起犯罪事件有关。) 5) The energy problem concerns us all. (能源问题关系到我们每个人。) 6) The baby‘s poor health concerned his parents. (孩子身体不好使父母担忧。) concern oneself in sth…… 关心 concern oneself with (about, over, in) 忙于 concern oneself about (for) 担忧 have no concern with 与…无关 to whom it may concern (用作正式信件的开头)敬启者 concerned adj. 担忧的,不安的;有关联的;关心的 1) We are concerned about (at, over) world peace. (我们关心世界和平。) 2) He spoke to the people concerned. (他对有关的人讲了话。) 3) We are not concerned with who is right or wrong. (我们对谁是谁非不感兴趣。) 4) As far as ability is concerned, he is the best candidate. (就能力而言,他是最佳人选。) concerning prep. 关于 1)This is a proposal concerning child h



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