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Exercise (unit 3) translate the following into English. 美国JM有限公司已将贵公司的名称和地址告知我们,并认为贵公司是中国有潜力的棉布买主。棉布属于我公司的经营范围,我们将很乐于与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。 兹随函附上商品小册子和价目单各一份,以便于了解我们可供出口棉布的概况。一俟接到贵方的具体询价,将立即航空邮寄我公司的报价单和样本。 恭候佳音。 Exercises (unit 4) 1.Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions. 1)We are _____ the market _____ mountain bicycles. If your price is competitive and your samples are satisfactory _____ our customers, we shall place orders _____ you ____ large quantities. 2)We have received your enquiry _____ October 10 ______ TV sets. We are sending our quotation along ______ the catalogue _______ your reference. 3)We have learned ______ ABC company that you are one of the leading manufacturers specializing _____ digital cameras. 4)We regret that we are not able _____ supply the goods you ordered because they are _____ of stock at present, but we assure you that we will revert _____ this matter when they are available. 5)We look forward ______ your early reply. 2.Complete the following sentences in English. 1) To acquaint you with the products we export, 我们现给你方航邮产品目录三份。 十件样品已经另邮寄出。 我们现附寄两份价格表。 2) Please quote 最优惠的香港到岸价。 伦敦离岸价,含我方3%佣金。 100打男士衬衫最低价。 3.Translate the following message into English. 我们从BHT公司得知贵公司AL326型号漆料(paint)质量很 好,畅销世界。 我公司是中国最大的化工产品进口商之一,在该行业已经 有20多年的经验了。 现寄去询价单一纸,希望贵方报大连最低到岸价含我方2% 佣金,标明最早船期和可供数量。为方便我方了解贵方全部 产品,请立即航邮6份产品目录. 若贵方报价具有竞争力,我方拟大量定购。 盼早复。 Key to exercise 3: We have learned from BHT Corp. that your paint Model AL326 is superior in quality and enjoys fast sales all over the world. We are one of the biggest importers of chemicals in China, having experiences in this line for more than 20 years. We are enclosing a sheet of enquiry, hoping that you could quote the lowest CIF Dalian price, including our 2% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment and the quantity suppliable. To acquaint us with all your products, please airmail 6 catalogues immediately. If your price is competitive, we shall place s


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