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Unit 5 Reading --- First Aid for Burns 北京市第九十四中学 亓琳琳 * * ▲知识目标: 了解烧伤原因、类型、特点及处理方式。 ▲技能目标: 运用小标题了解文章大意及主要内容 通过各种练习进一步训练细读的能力 ▲情感目标: 培养自我保护及在紧急情况下对自身和 他人进行急救意识。 ▲通过小标题了解文章、各段落的大意及主 要内容。 ▲如何引起学生兴趣,将所学与生活实践相 结合。 教法 学法 探究式教学法 合作学习法 任务型教学法 读图分析 填表归类 问题探究 ▲ 多媒体 ▲ 黑板 ▲ 学案 ▲ 教材 ▲ 网络(图片、作业) Warming-up 2-3’ Pre-reading 2-3’ While-reading 20’ Post-reading 13’ Task 1 Matching main content Task 2 Detailed reading Task 1 Task 2 Assigning Homework Prediction 教学 流程 Showing targets 1’ 学生活动 教师活动 阅读、讨论 并回答问题 提出话题 讨论烧伤方法正确与否 提出问题 提出问题 通过小标题预测 关注小标题 预测 提出任务1 任务2 学生分析、讨论并完成任务 烧伤原因、类型、特点、处理 教师 学生 热身--- 给出烧伤情境 Students from No. 94 Junior Middle School They were trained to take part in the National Day Celebration. But after the training, they noticed their face were rough and red. They wanted to put oil on the skin and rub the skin. Do you think the ways are right? causes of burns types of burns characteristics of burns first aid treatment Usually, with the help of (title) (picture) (first sentence), we can get the main idea of this passage quickly. C the importance of the skin E causes of burns B the three kinds of burns D the symptoms of burns A what to do if someone gets burnt 1 2 3 4 5 main content subtitles main content (the functions of the skin) the importance of the skin how we get burns causes of burns types of burns the three kinds of burns characteristics of burns the symptoms of burns first aid treatment what to do if someone gets burns While reading, we need to pay attention to synonyms(同义词) in the subtitles and main content. hot liquids fire electric shock sun steam chemicals How many kinds of burns? What are they?


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