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2010年全国自考英语(二)模拟试卷(一) 一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四 个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. A minorparty or independent candidate can draw votes away from the majorparty nominees but ______ almost no chance of defeating them. A. gets B. have C. stands D. rises 答案:C 2. It is, they say, the right to change employers which distinguishes employment ______ slavery. A. by B. between C. from D. apart 答案:C 3. Weinstein’s body, with hands and feet ______, was discovered by a hiker on March 17. A. bound B. bind C. binding D. bounded 答案:A 4. ______ can be judged from her eyes, she has no personal hostility to us. A. Which B. As C. That D. Whom 答案:B 5. ______ are the possible courses of action from which choices can be made. A. Alternatives B. Alternates C. Alternations D. Alternators 答案:A  6. Oxbridge graduates make ______ only two percent of the total number of students who graduate from British universities. A. of B. to C. up D. about 答案:C 7. The robber is ______ capital punishment. A. deserving B. deserved C. deserving of D. deserved of 答案:C 8. You_____be too careful when you use a knife to cut things. A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. oughtn’t 答案:B 解析:B 因为can’t…too……的意思是总不嫌过分,越…越好。该句的意思是:在用刀子切 东西时,越小心越好。 9. He is______of doing any hard work. A. able B. qualified C. capable D. competent 答案:C 解析:C be capable of doing sth有能力做某事。 10. Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential______. A. items B. terms C. turns D. themes 答案:B 解析:B items条款,项目;terms方面,术语;themes题目,主题。 二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个 空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. The American love of sports 1 to a pitch never before known. 2 the middle of the century we were practically without sports and even until some fifteen years ago there 3 very little enthusiasm aroused by sports 4 the fever that has within the past decade and a half swept over the country. 5 the passionate fervor has been increasing, and the


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