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临时翻译版。 欧盟官方公报上公布的文本为官方文本。 Guidelines on the application of Article 81 有关海上运输适用欧共体条约第 81 条 of the EC Treaty to maritime transport services (1 July 2008) 的指南 1. INTRODUCTION 1、介绍 1. These Guidelines set out the principles that the 1、本指南规定了欧共体委员会对于那些由 Commission of the European Communities will follow when defining markets and assessing 2006 年 9 月 25 日理事会第 1419/2006 号条 cooperation agreements in those maritime transport 例带来的改变而受到直接影响的海上运输服 services directly affected by the changes brought about by Council Regulation (EC) No 1419/2006 of 务 ( 即 班 轮 运 输 服 务 、 国 内 沿 海 航 运 25 September 2006, i.e. liner shipping services, cabotage and international tramp services [1]. (cabotage) 和 国 际 不 定 期 船 运 输 (tramp services)服务)在定义市场和评估合作协议 1 时应遵循的原则。 2. These Guidelines are intended to help 2、本指南致力于帮助提供那些服务的企业和 undertakings and associations of undertakings operating those services, mainly if operated to and/or 企业协会(主要是向以及/或者从在欧盟内一 from a port or ports in the European Union, to assess 个港口或多个港口从事运营的企业)评估其 whether their agreements [2] are compatible with Article 81 of the Treaty establishing the European 协议2 是否与《建立欧洲共同体条约》(以下 Community (hereinafter the Treaty). The Guidelines do not apply to other sectors. 称为“ 条约” )第 81 条相符合。本指南不适 用于其他行业。 3. Regulation (EC) No 1419/2006 extended the 3、第 1419/2006 条例扩大了 2002 年 12 月 scope of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules 16 日理事会第 1/2003 号条例有关执行条约 on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of


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