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PAGE 微博营销策略研究——以小米手机为例 摘 要 自2006年Twitter横空出世,互联网应用平台上就掀起了一轮微博风潮,微博就像一个病毒迅速传染到世界各国,对广大群众产生了巨大的影响。微博迅猛的发展势头,也使越来越多的商家开始注意其商业价值,有不少企业已经成功地运用微博进行商业营销。但是,大多数企业还处在摸索阶段,由于缺乏微博运营经验,企业随时都可能陷入困境,探索微博营销策略成为一个亟待解决的问题。本文旨在通过小米手机运用微博进行营销的实例来探索微博营销的策略,为企业提供一个系统的微博营销框架。 本文首先对国内外有关微博营销的文献进行综述,总结前人的经验和成果。其次,系统分析我国当前的微博营销现状,主要包括微博营销的内容、特点、运作模式以及在我国发展的优势。然后是以小米手机为例,重点剖析我国微博营销的策略,给企业构建一个系统的框架。最后,分析微博营销的发展前景和即将面临的挑战,并给出了对策,为微博营销未来的发展提出了设想和建议。 关键词:企业;微博营销;关系营销;策略 ABSTRACT Since Twitter came out in 2006, Internet application platform has set off a round of microblog, microblog is just like a virus spreading quickly to the countries all over the world. It has made great influence on people. The rapid development of microblog makes more and more merchants begin to pay attention to its commercial value, many companies have successfully used microblog for commercial marketing. But, most enterprises are still in groping stage, due to lack of operating experience , enterprises may get in to trouble at any time, exploring the microblog marketing strategy becomes a problem urgently to be solved. The purpose of this paper is to explore the microblog marketing strategy through the example of millet mobile phone, provide enterprises with a system of microblog marketing framework. Firstly, the paper reviewed the literature about microblog marketing all over the world, summarizing the experiences and achievements of predecessors. Secondly, the paper systematically analyses the current situation of microblog in our country, mainly including the content and characteristics of microblog marketing, operation pattern, advantage, disadvantage and reason analysis. Then take the millet mobile phone as an example, it analyses China’s microblog marketing strategy to build a systematic framework to the enterprises. Lastly, the paper analyses the development of microblog marketing prospect and the challenge. It also gives the countermeasure and suggestions for microblog marketing in the future. Key words: en


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