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Part 1 About Grammar PAGE PAGE 56 新托福基础写作讲义 2 Course Design: Part 1 About Grammar Part 2 About Vocabulary Part 3 About Expressions Part 1 About Grammar 3 Part 1 About Grammar 1 Basic Sentence Structure/Gerunds/Infinitives Check-Up A.Mark the subject, verb, object, and complement in each sentence as shown in the example. 1 Laughter improves health by lowering stress hormones. 2 Friends are one of the most important influences on young adults. 3 Our city should build a new library for our children. 4 I found it helpful to listen to others advice when making an important decision. 5 Every morning, I exercise. 6 A 7 Some people change their jobs very frequently. 8 I was a child when I lived in a different country. 9 Inexperienced workers earn less money than experienced ones. 10 I could almost not breathe because of the stuffy atmosphere. 11 Many immigrants have a hard time adjusting to a new culture. 12 Our community offers students various after-school activities. 13 Modern apartment buildings are too expensive in my town. 14 Universities give students many opportunities to learn a variety of subjects. B. Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors. 1 People should ask the advice of others before move to other cities. 人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见。 2 It is important for students to studying history and literature. 对学生来说,学习历史和文学很重要。 3 Some people prefer working for a large company to work for a small company. 比起在小公司工作,有些人更喜欢在大公司工作。 4 People have different ways spending their time. 人们用不同的方式打发时间。 5 Children love to watch television, but they dislike to watch informative programs. 孩子们喜欢看电视,但是他们不喜欢看信息类节目。 6 Working for others means that you should follow their rules. 为他人工作意味着你得遵守他人的规则。 7 In order to live a healthy life, you need exercising regularly. 要活得健康,就要定期锻炼。 8 Experts recommend to take some time to laugh when you get dressed out. 专家建议,有压力时要经常大笑。 9 Traveling gives us the opportunity of meetin


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