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Unit 6 Signal Conditioning;Unit 6 Signal Conditioning; A measuring transmitter consists of two parts: a primary element (or sensor) and a signal conditioner. The primary element uses some characteristic of its material and construction to convert the value of a measured variable into an electrical, mechanical, or fluidic signal. 译为:一个测量传感器由两部分组成:一个基本元件(传感器)和一个信号调制器。基本元件利用其材质的特性和结构将被测量转化为电的、机械的或者流体的信号。 ; The output of the primary element may be a small voltage or an electrical resistance. It may be a force, a displacement, a pressure, or some other phenomenon. No matter what form it takes, the primary element output depends on the value of the measured variable. 译为:基本元件的输出可能是一个小的电压或电阻。也可能是一个力、一个位移、一个压力或其他一些现象。不论它采取何种形式,基本元件的输出依赖于测得量的数值。 ; The output of the primary element is a measure of the variable it is sensing, but it is seldom in a form suitable for transmission and use by other components in a system. 译为:基本元件的输出是对它测量的变量的度量。但是它很少采用一种便于传输或被系统中其他部分使用的形式。; Usually, a signal conditioner is required to convert the primary element output into an electrical (or pneumatic) signal suitable for use by a controller or display device. A signal conditioner prepares a signal for use by another component. The input to a signal conditioner is usually the output from a sensor (or primary element). 译为:通常,一个信号调制器被用来将基本元件的输出变换为一个便于被处理器或显示设备使用的电(或气)信号。一个信号调节器将信号准备好以备其他设备使用,信号调制器的输入通常是传感器的输出(或基本元件)。; The full-scale outputs of most sensors (passive or active) are relatively small voltages, currents, resistances and capacitances. Before further analog or digital processing can take place, these outputs must be scaled or converted to useful ranges. 句中full-scale意为“满量程”,passive sensor意为“被动型传感器”,active sensor意为“主动型传感器”,scale在这里指“换算缩放,改变值的大小”。 译为:绝大多数传感器(被动型或主动型)的满量程输出都是比较小的电压、电流、电阻和电容。在进行进一步模拟或数字信号处理之前,这些输出必须要换算缩放或转换到可用的范围。; The standard transmission signals are a 4 to 20mA electric current or a 3 to 15psi pneumatic pressure. For example,


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