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[General Information] 书名=导游英语:湖北旅游热点 作者=程丛喜 林华英 付春媛编著 页数=242 SS号 DX号= 出版日期=2005年07月第1版 出版社=武汉大学出版社 书名 前言 目录 Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Famou s Scenic Spots and Tourist Destinations Hubei Province Wuhan City Yellow Crane Tower Hubei Provincial Museum East Lake Guiyuan Temple—The Buddhism Center of Central China Ancient Fiddle Platform Qingchuan Pavilion—The Holy Place of S outh Central China The Former Site of the Wuchang Uprisin g Military Government The Famous Taoism Temple—Changchun Tem ple A Brief Introduction to Wuhan Chinese Rare Stone Museum Night Travel of Wuhan on the Yangtze R iver Huangshi City The Ancient Copper Mining and Smelting Site of Tonglushan—The Originating Place of Chinese Bronze Culture The Ancient Jingzhou City Enshi Autonomous Prefecture Shennong Stream The Rising Dragon Cave Huanggang City Dongpo Red Cliff An Overview of Dabie Mountain Xianning City Jiugong Mountain The Ancient Battlefield of the Three K ingdoms—Red Cliff Xiangfan City Ancient Longzhong Shiyan City The Sacred Land of Taoism—Wudang Mount ain Xiaogan City Hometown of the Filial Son—Dong Yong P ark Jingmen City The World Cultural Heritage—Zhongxiang Xianling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty Yichang City Gezhou Dam The Three Gorges Project A Mysterious Trip to Shennongjia The Briefing to the Yangtze River and th e Three Gorges Chapter 2 Tourist Culture Topics Taking the Wuzu Temple in Huangmei Cou nty as the Background,Talk about the Chan Sect of Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism Cult ure The Waving Dance of Tujia People Taking the Yellow Crane Tower as the B ackground,Talk about the History and Mytho logy on


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