(外文电子版资料)103 - Doctor Who - The Twin Dilemma.pdf

(外文电子版资料)103 - Doctor Who - The Twin Dilemma.pdf

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DOCTOR WHO - THE TWIN DILEMMA By Eric Saward 1 Home Time The house stood on Lydall Street. It was part of a beautifully preserved Georgian terrace, its graceful facade as pleasing today as when it was first built in 1810, some five hundred years earlier. In fact, Lydall Street was the only Georgian terrace left standing in the metropolis. It was also the only street with houses built of brick. To the people who lived in the flameproof, plastic buildings of the city, Lydall Street had enormous charm, an incredible sense of history and a tactile quality missing from their own mirror-smooth, vinyl environment. The reality of living there was, of course, quite different. The houses were draughty, uncomfortable and cost a fortune to maintain. Although it was an honour to be allowed to occupy such a dwelling, it was also vital that you were rich. Some people said it was better if you were mad. The truth was, of course, it was better if you were both. The family who occupied number twenty-five possessed the above qualifications in great abundance. But they also possessed a much greater and more precious gift - genius. The Sylvest family, for it was they who occupied number twenty-five, were all gifted mathematicians. Professor Archie Sylvest was a tall man with a grey, matted thatch of hair that wouldnt lie neatly however much it was combed. His face was florid and his waist thick from drinking too much Voxnic (a delicious alcoholic beverage made from fermented vision seeds). As it was again chic to be fat, and, as Voxnic was this seasons most fashionable drink, Archie was able to pat his paunch with considerable pride as he ordered yet another round. In fact, Archie should have been totally happy. His wife, Nimo, was a stimulating companion. He loved his work at the University. Wallowed in the company of his students. Revelled in the respect shown by his fellow lecturers. Loved drinking too much Voxnic with computer programmer Vestal Smith, a p



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