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PAGE 1 毕业论文 CONTENTS TOC \o 1-3 \u ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc5135 I 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc11017 II I. INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc3658 1 II. SYMBOLISM PAGEREF _Toc15913 3 III. THE SYBOLISM IN MOBY DICK PAGEREF _Toc27409 4 3.1 Moby Dick PAGEREF _Toc4731 4 3.2 Captain PAGEREF _Toc9933 5 3.3 Boat and Voyage PAGEREF _Toc19290 6 Ⅳ. THE SYBOLISM REFLECTED IN THE MOTIFS OF MOBY DICK PAGEREF _Toc30102 8 4.1 The Relationship Between Individual and Nature PAGEREF _Toc14825 8 4.2 Friendship PAGEREF _Toc17356 9 4.3 A True Picture of the Society PAGEREF _Toc452 10 Ⅴ. CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc21607 13 REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc6280 14 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGEREF _Toc13048 15 PAGE I ABSTRACT Moby Dick is a famous novel written by Herman Melville. This novel is about chasing and killing a huge white whale named Moby Dick. Ahab, as the captain of the nuclear submarine, was willing to hunt and kill the white whale, because it led him to lost his left leg. In order to success to achieve his revenge, he went on his way without considering other staff’s benefits. In the ending of this novel, all of his staff died for the reason of Ahab’s studon actions. This novel represents the combat between human beings and the nature, also the contention of justice and the evil. In this paper, we analysize the symbolism in Moby Dick . In addition, we have a conclusion of the issues the novel represents. Key words: Moby Dick; symbolism; Ahab 摘 要 《白鲸记》是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔写的名著。这本小说讲述了追杀名为莫比·迪克的大白鲸的故事。亚哈是核潜艇的船长。大白鲸的袭击导致亚哈失去了左腿,因此他一直想要猎杀白鲸。为了完成他的复仇计划,他不顾其他船员的利益,执意开展计划。在小说的结尾,所有的船员因为亚哈的固执行为而丧生。这篇小说呈现了人与自然的战争,同时也是正义和邪恶的交战。在本论文中,我们分析了白鲸的象征意义。此外,我们总结了小说所反映的问题。 关键词:白鲸;象征主义;亚哈; 吉林建筑大学外国语学院毕业论文 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 I. INTRODUCTION Moby Dick is a novel written by Herman Melville in 1851. Based on the topic of whale fishery, this book talked about a adventure story. In this adventure story, captain Ahab and all of staff chased a white whale named Moby Dick in south Pacific ocean. And Moby Dick is famous as a “encyclopaedia


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