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Citizen of the Galaxy
Robert A. Heinlein
Copyright 1957
Chapter 1
Lot ninety-seven, the auctioneer announced. A boy.
The boy was dizzy and half sick from the feel of ground underfoot The slave ship had come more than
forty light-years; it carried in its holds the stink of all slave ships, a reek of crowded unwashed bodies, of
fear and vomit and ancient grief. Yet in it the boy had been someone, a recognized member of a group,
entitled to his meal each day, entitled to fight for his right to eat it in peace. He had even had friends.
Now he was again nothing and nobody, again about to be sold.
A lot had been knocked down on the auction block, matched blonde girls, alleged to be twins; the
bidding had been brisk, the price high. The auctioneer turned with a smile of satisfaction and pointed at
the boy. Lot ninety-seven. Shove him up here.
The boy was cuffed and prodded onto the block, stood tense while his feral eyes darted around, taking
in what he had not been able to see from the pen. The slave market lies on the spaceport side of the
famous Plaza of Liberty, facing the hill crowned by the still more famous Praesidium of the Sargon,
capitol of the Nine Worlds. The boy did not recognize it; he did not even know what planet he was on.
He looked at the crowd.
Closest to the slave block were beggars, ready to wheedle each buyer as he claimed his property.
Beyond them, in a semi-circle, were seats for the rich and privileged. On each flank of this elite group
waited their slaves, bearers, and bodyguards and drivers, idling near the ground cars of the rich and the
palanquins and sedan chairs of the still richer. Behind the lords and ladies were commoners, idlers and
curious, freedmen and pickpockets and vendors of cold drinks, an occasional commoner merchant not
privileged to si
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- (外文电子版资料)Robert A Heinlein - Year of the Jackpot.doc
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