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86 / 2010 10 YSZ Pr ep ar at ion and P r oper t ies of Nano-Y SZ T herm al Spr ay ing P ow ders 1 1 2 2 , , , ( 1 , 100083 2 , 100083) 1 1 2 2 H U A N G W ei , ZH U Y ing , H E Jing , WA N G Ru-i jun ( 1 Inst itut e of M ech anical Eng ineer ing and A ut omat ion, Beih ang U niversity , Beijing 1000 83, China 2 Beijing Golden Wheel Sp ecial M achine Co., L td ., Beijing 100083, China) : , YSZ , , , , , , 300A , 4 0V : Y SZ : T F 12 3. 73 : A : 1001-4 38 1( 20 10) 10- 0086- 03 Abstract: T he preparat ion proces s of nano- Y SZ thermal spr ay ing po w ders w as inv estig at ed on t he ex- cellent p er for mance of nano co at ing. T he ag glom erat ed pow ders w er e pr ep ared by spray- dr ying . T he flow abilit y, f ree ho lding den sit y and micro st ru ct ure of agg lomerat ed po w ders w ere t est ed and ana- ly zed by H all f unnel m et hod and scanning electr on m icrosco pic r espect ively . T he result show s th at the hig her so lid cont ent is, t he bet t er flo w abilit y and f ree holding density of pow der s t hey w ill be. H o w- ever, an overhigh solid cont ent w il l af fect t he g ranulat io n result s. M aint aining a so lid cont ent , f low a- bilit y o f pow der s is bett er w it h mo derat e binder content. T o g ain t he agg lomerat ed pow ders of bet t er


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