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216 Vol. 21,No.6 200111 ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCU STANTIAE Nov. ,2001 2001 :X132 :A 吴 海,牟玉静, 张晓山,宋文质, 周 丽 (, 100085) 5 :292 1K 101 10 Pa,, 7 3 - 1 - 1 , (:10 m !mol !s ) : k 1= 329,k 2 = 614, k 3= 897, k4= 400, k 5= 117,k 6= 125, k7= 205,k 8 = 158,k 9 = 123. :;;; Rate constants for reactions of chlorine atoms with a series of alcohols by relative rate method WUHai, U Yujing, ZHANGXiaoshan, SONGWenzhi, ZHOU Li (Research Center for EcoEnvironmentalSciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085) Abstract:Therate constants for reactions of chlorine atoms with a series of alcohols in gasphase have been measured at 292 1K and 5 101 10 Pa bya competitive technique. Thealcohols includemethanol( k ) , ethanol( k ), npropanol( k ), isopropanol( k ) , nbuta 1 2 3 4 nol(k5) , isobutanol(k6) , tertbutanol(k7 ) , npentanol(k 8) and isopentanol( k9) . The measuredrate constants are k 1= 329, k2 = 7 3 - 1 - 1 614, k = 897, k = 400,k = 117, k = 125,k = 205, k = 158, and k = 123, respectively (inunits of 10 m !mol !s ) . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Keywords:rate constant; smog chamber; alcohol; chlorine atom [ 1] , [2] .,( OH )O3 .,. [3] , . OH , . SpicerCl2 :,Cl2 [4] OH 100 ., (Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)., O .


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