Simon雅思口语9分范文 P3.doc

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Simon雅思口语9分范文 P3

PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 目录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 事件类 2 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 休闲活动(Leisure activity) 2 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 聚会(Party) 3 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 一堂课(Lesson) 4 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 对话(Conversation) 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 事物类 6 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 玩具(Toy) 6 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 电视节目(TV program) 7 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 野生动物(Wild animal) 8 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark9 地点类 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark10 河湖海(River、lake、sea) 9 事件类 休闲活动(Leisure activity) What is the relationship between leisure and the economy? Well, people spend a lot of money on all sorts of leisure activities nowadays, so I think leisure is a very important part of the economy of most countries. Leisure could be anything that people do in their free time, such as eating out, going to the cinema, watching a football match, or staying in a hotel. Millions of people are employed in these areas. How does the economy benefit from peoples leisure activities? The leisure industry makes a huge contribution to the economy. As I said before, it keeps millions of people in employment, and all of these employees pay their taxes and have money to spend on other goods and services. At the same time, most people spend some of their earnings on leisure activities, and this money therefore goes back into the economy. Do men and women enjoy the same type of leisure activities? Yes and no. I think both men and women enjoy things like eating in restaurants or going to the cinema, but Im sure there are other activities that are more popular with one gender. For example, I think more men than women go to football matches. 聚会(Party) What types of party do people have, and why are parties important? People have parties to celebrate special occasions like birthdays, weddings, or the beginning of a new year. I think its important to celebrate these things because they are landmarks in our lives. Parties are a good way to bring people together, and t


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