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随着近年来科学技术的快速发展,家中拥有计算机的家庭越来越多,而计算机也在 口常生活中占据了越来越重的地位,各种各样的网站以及相关网络活动如雨后春笋般出 现。各样网站的岀现,无疑为人民群众的生活提供了大量的便利,但是在某些情况下, 数据库的访问量相当大,服务器的处理能力有限,数据库由于过多用户访问就会有崩溃 的危险,为了避免这样的情况发生,需要一个屮间的调度系统,其冃的是保证任务的安 全进行。 本篇论文讨论了国内外任务调度发展的一些现状以及未来的发展趋势,并且在国内 的现状的基础上关于邮件的调度简单模仿了一个能够调度邮件的邮件收发系统,其屮也 对用到的工具以及技术进行分析与介绍,并建立一个总体的系统模型,从系统的角度出 发,研究系统的需求,并且按照角色以及模块进行分析与实现,按照不同的特点完成系 统的总体设计。在系统的原设计的基础上,借助当前比较流行的工具以及技术对软件进 行开发。在原设计中,系统具有批量处理邮件的能力,能够读入将要发送的邮件,由于 发送邮件的过程过快,所以还需要一个日志来记录发送的过程。使得邮件的调度更加直 观的被观察。 本系统采用的软件有Visio以及MyEclipse,采用UML建模语言,利用Visio建立 了系统功能分解图,流程图等等图表,分析了系统的需求,并根据系统的需求进行分析 研究,最后得出用SSH2框架,采用B/S架构实现系统的大体框架,经过测试,系统稳 定运行,基本实现了系统的功能。 关键词:B/S模式;邮件收发;任务管理;Java ABSTRACT With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, more and more families has a computer, and computers are playing a more and more important role in everyday life, a large variety of sites and related network activity appears. The appearance of variety site, will provide a lot of convenience for peoples lives, but in some cases,page view of database is so large,how ever the servers processing capacity is limited,too many users to access the database will cause the danger of collapse. To avoid this from happening, the database needs an intermediate scheduling system, its purpose is to ensure the safety of any conduct. This paper discusses some of the present situation of task scheduling and future development trends, and on the basis of the status of the country scheduling on a simple imitating mail messages can be scheduled by the mail system, which also uses tools and technical analysis and presentation, and to establish a general system model, from the perspective of the system, the system needs research and analysis carried out in accordance with the realization of the role and modules, according to the different characteristics of the completion of the overall system design. On the basis of the original design of the system, with the current popular tools and techniques for software development. In the



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